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※15 Edstrom, A. (2006). L1 use in the L2 classroom: One teacher’s self-evaluation. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 63, 275-292.

※16  Rolin-Ianziti, J., & Brownlie, S. (2002). Teacher use of learners’ native language in the foreign language classroom. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 58, 402-426.

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※19 Lucas, T., & Katz, A. (1994). Reframing the debate: The roles of native languages in English-only programs for language minority students. TESOL Quarterly, 28, 537-561.

※20  Franklin, C. E. M. (1990). Teaching in the target language: Problems and prospects. The Language Learning Journal, 21), 20-24.

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※23  Turnbull, M., & Arnett, K. (2002). Teachers’ uses of the target and first languages in second and foreign language classrooms. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 22, 201-218.

※24  Kaneko, T. (1992). The role of the first language in foreign language classroom. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Temple University, Philadelphia.

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※27 Liu, D., Ahn, G.-S., Baek, K.-S., & Han, N.-O. (2004). South Korean high school English teachers’ code switching: Questions and challenges in the drive for maximal use of English in teaching. TESOL Quarterly, 38, 605-638.

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※30  Song, Y. (2009). An investigation into L2 teacher beliefs about L1 in China. Prospect Journal, 24, 30–39.

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※32  Wongrak, C. (2017). The role of L1 in the instruction of L2: Perspectives of Thai EFL teachers. Paper presented at the Asian Conference on Education & International Development. Nagoya: IAFOR, pp.643-654)

※33  Littlewood, W., & Yu, B. (2011). First language and target language in the foreign language classroom. Language Teaching, 44, 64-77.

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※36 Chapple, J. (2015). Teaching in English is not necessarily the teaching of English. International Education Studies, 83), 1-13.

※33 Littlewood, W., & Yu, B. (2011). First language and target language in the foreign language classroom. Language Teaching, 44, 64-77.

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