桜の花を一つだけ手に取って見るとそれほど美しい花というわけでもない。でも群れて咲き誇る満開の桜のなんと美しく饒舌なこと! 可憐、華やか、妖艶、寂しさ、怖さ、儚さ……など見る人によってこれほど受ける印象が様々で饒舌に語りかけてくる花も少ないのではないでしょうか。その奥深い美しさゆえに時を超えて人々の心をとらえ続けるのでしょうね……きっと。
When you pick and look at a single cherry blossom, you may feel it is not so beautiful.However, how beautiful and full of emotion a big cluster of cherry blossom in full bloom is !
Lovely, gorgeous, fascinating, lonely, elegant, fearful … and more, it’s difficult to find flowers so expressivethat it depends on the person on how sees the flowers.
Cherry blossoms may have attracted the people’s hearts throughout the ages because of their deep beauty.
That’s why we Japanese have created many beautiful words concerning cherry blossoms. Cherry blossoms give me the impression that they have a dignified beauty as part of an air of lonelinessand gorgeousness.
I love their beautiful life, because they bloom fascinatingly and never decay like other flowers.
They are scattered by blowing wind when they are still beautiful.I love their graceful way to live. Petals flattering in the wind … I wish I could finish my life in such beautiful way.